Finding s part time job is important to you as a foreign student. It helps you tide over the inevitable financial crunches you might suffer during your course period.
Here are a few ways you could find the right part time job:
- Networking
80% of jobs available are never advertised. Nowadays it seems, the best way to secure a job is to spread the word that you are looking for one. So do not hesitate to let everyone - family, friends, even mere acquaintances - know that you are searching for work.
- Targeted Search
You might ask for part time positions in companies that interest you. If they aren't hiring, they might be able to tell you who is.
- Newspapers
Provincial, community or employment papers are obvious mediums to use for finding a job.
- Campus Newspapers
Although the number of job postings in campus newspapers are not generally substantial, it is worth a try.
- Bulletin Boards
Campus are not short of bulletin boards, whether official - such as the ones in the departmental offices and the SUB - or unofficial - such as those at the bus loop. Many casual jobs are posted this way.
- Temp Agencies
This is particularly good if you have clerical-type office skills, and if your schedule accommodates the hours required.
- The Internet
The way to go nowadays is online. There are hundreds of job banks and employment databases available. See "Job Search Databases" for some useful links. You may also choose to post your resume online so employers can find you.
- Create Your Own Job
If you have a special talent or skill that others may be interested in, you have a potential job inside of you! Tutoring or teaching your area of expertise can be a great part-time job. It also means being your own boss, and creating a flexible schedule.
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